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Kybella® at Monaco MedSpa

in Midtown Miami, FL

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is deoxycholic acid. It is a prescription-strength injection used to treat submental fat (a double chin) in adults.

Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for persons over 18 years old that destroys fat cells. It is used to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin. Fat below the chin area is also called submental fat or a “double chin.”

How does Kybella® work?

Kybella® destroys the fat cells that accumulate in the upper neck region under the chin. The body then naturally eliminates the fat slowly over the next few weeks. Once these cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat.

Who is a good candidate for Kybella® treatments?

Kybella® is a great way to treat a double chin in younger patients who have good skin elasticity.

In older patients, it can leave the skin in the submental area loose and, therefore, it may not be the best option to treat a double chin/submental fat in patients older than 40 years old or in those patients whose collagen and elastin production has started to diminish. In these patients their skin doesn’t “snap back” as well as in younger patients.

Kybella® is also not the best treatment for a double chin in patients with excessive skin laxity or prominent platysmal bands or in patients who have had prior surgical or aesthetic treatments of the submental area.

In some patients over 40 years old with double chins Kybella® treatments can sometimes be done and they can be followed by plasma pen treatments to treat any loose skin left behind after the swelling subsides. However, in older patients, sometimes Morpheus8 microneedling with radiofrequency treatments are a better treatment option to help reduce a double chin because it destroys fat cells and tightens the dermis at the same time.

No matter your age, we strongly recommend a consultation with our doctor to see what the best treatment option for your double chin would be.

How is Kybella® administered?

If it is determined that Kybella® is the best treatment option for you, then Kybella® is injected into the skin with a very fine needle after numbing the skin with a topical anesthetic. The treatment takes about 15-20 minutes.

How many Kybella® treatments sessions are recommended?

Most patients require two to three vials per treatment and most patients require two to six treatment sessions, each one month apart. The number of vials and treatments is an estimate of the amount of Kybella® that is required to address the double chin (submental fat area). However, the exact number of injections and the number of treatments is tailored to the individual patient’s submental fat distribution and treatment goals. There is no guarantee of results of any treatment and up to six treatments may be needed to achieve a satisfactory result. Final improvement is assessed six weeks after the final treatment when all the swelling has subsided.

Take Home Message

Kybella® is a great treatment to help reduce the appearance of a double chin in younger patients and in patients who do not have excessive skin laxity.

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