Have you heard of a Sculptra Butt Lift?
Sculptra is an injectable dermal filler made from PLLA, poly-L-lactic acid, that is used to add more volume to the buttocks.
How is a Sculptra Butt Lift different than a regular Brazilian Butt Lift?
With a Brazilian Butt Lift fat is surgically taken from your body and placed in your buttocks under general anesthesia in an operating room.
A Sculptra Butt Lift does not require anesthesia and has a little to no downtime. It is a med spa procedure where there is no surgery, risk of death, risk of ugly scars, or cutting involved. It only involves injections, similar to filler injections. Sculptra is used to fill in dimples, hollowness and creases and to create a fuller, more voluminous butt, with only injections and no surgery. The procedure is performed by Dr. Barrueta, a board-certified physician.
How many Sculptra vials will I need for a Sculptra Butt?
For a Sculptra Butt Lift, you will need 4 to 5 vials per session. For those wanting a lot of buttock volume, 10 or more vials may be required.
How many session will I need?
For results to last 2 years, you'll need 3 sessions, 6 weeks apart.
Before & After Sculptra Butt Lift: Dr. Barrueta's Patient
This client in the picture above had buttock surgery (a surgical BBL) years ago at another facility and had a lot of complications after the surgery. Then she had surgical butt implants to try to correct the problems she had after that initial surgical BBL, but the implants migrated and she was left with more indentations and deformities after the buttock implants.
She came to see Dr. Barrueta to see if the Morpheus8 would help, but Dr. Barrueta recommended she start with Sculptra injections to fill in the dents, which worked fabulously. The thick scars at the bottom of her buttocks were from the surgery many years ago when they inserted the implants. Dr. Barrueta will treat those thick surgical scars and the stretchmarks with Morpheus8. The client will likely require a minimum of 3 Morpheus8 treatments to get rid of the scars and stretchmarks.
The client is so happy with her Sculptra Butt Lift. She says that now that the dents are gone and her buttocks are perkier, she feels confident enough to go to the beach again.
The before picture was before any treatments were done. The after picture is after the second Sculptra Butt Lift session.
During the first and second Sculptra Butt Lift sessions, Dr. Barrueta injected a total of 5 Sculptra vials each time.
For an appointment with Dr. Barrueta to see if you are a good candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lift, click
here to learn more.
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